from Untitled III
Geoffrey Squires
Where if it did and if it did
which is no more than to say
believe me
What weight there is substance or heaviness
many many small movements
uncertain at first and then
does not or where it can
which when it came was not because
whether it is or has within it
imagine what that would mean
Where if you do it often enough
if it is repeated often enough
To come here is to know it again
as if nothing had changed
and all that had happened in the meantime
was of no consequence had no import
for this place the paths the trees
the light falling through the silence
If only because
and yet with the capacity to work their way
into spaces we have only just thought of
movement how do we know
what seeing is
no change from the last time then
What weight there is
different how different not too different
might or might not and anyway if it did
Why does it stop here at this point
break off what it was doing
as if it had seen something
or something had occurred to it
suddenly some idea or possibility
which gives it pause
To where in some place (one imagines)
it will stay
come to rest finally
some kind of destination
beyond which one does not go
or cannot go or has no need to go
Whether it is or has within it
some substance as cannot be imagined
who knows where it all goes
many many small movements
what light there is
draining upwards and away
voices a shiver in the air
time the particular
What settlement is made then
of the unquiet the disputed
what they had hoped or hoped for
all that we ask
which is no more than to say
down the long ghost of the estuary
Each time a little or a little more
All these movements gathered into one shadow
listen wait do not
and to find some history for them something
that they lack without which they seem
curiously superficial
merely what they are
And for all we know
might be so again
breaks down repetitive not long
one thing flowing from another
imagine what that would mean
why does it repeat this of all movements
there is not a day but I have in some way tried
believe me
Where if it did and if it did
no one remembers the beginning
no one understands the end
many many small movements
long casts of shadow
what crosses its path or field of vision
and is as quickly forgotten
To find stories for these trees
narratives of their foliation
some reason for density
different how different not too different
state or condition
few things resist interpretation defend themselves
successfully against comprehension
and it is all in the air somehow
hanging trapped with nowhere to go
suspended above these deep, indolent rivers
with branches trailing fish lying in pools
Which when it came was not because
nothing it seems nothing
and after that
the silences handed down
as if in a long line
without a word
Monitoring or following following
Soft arrange order classify
each time a little or a little more
when there is no point as we know it
and might be so again
adds up no doubt and over the course of time
It is a mistake to think
that every moment should somehow be
one thing following from another
descent as it were
that widens out again
after the narrowness the constriction
where the path leads down
to small woods and hidden water
and all is all around
close intimate proximate
so that we pause bemused
incapable of taking it in
Why does it repeat this of all movements
Sameness invites abstraction sends
the mind reeling
which needs above all some detail
something to keep it occupied
something to work on
These are small places
not worthy of a name
some outcrop or hillock
the gap between two fields
and no one has thought to name them
give them some name
which we could know them as
remember them by
Breaks down repetitive not long
one thing flowing from another
some difference hard to explain
why does it repeat this of all movements
and an echo as if there was space there
imagine what that would mean
Which if taken away suddenly
light wind on the skin and after that
might or might not and anyway if it did
This must have been done without thinking
These bodies so usually spread out
and open to what comes
here is how we and between
and then
with some regret let go
we do not need to know everything
Stretches or reaches out maybe
and there is always the idea
that it is only a question of effort of degree
which is no more than to say
sudden lift unaccounted for
unless it were the air which raises them
just for a moment temporarily
and the darkness later like a quality
soft intangible like qualities are
And there is always the idea
absorbed preoccupied with small sounds
each of which from a different place
height angle
adds up to what I cannot see
Fixes upon does not let go
Which at no point rises significantly above the rest
but extends on all sides
in every direction in the same way
ready world of which is much
and does not or does not
but which if taken away
withdrawn suddenly
When if you do it often enough
if it is repeated often enough
Passage from sun to cool
the air inside like marble cold underfoot
on the face the bare shoulders
in the unwonted dark of the room
and sensitive to the least change
breath or touch
our border with the world
Where there is no place as we know it
Such substance as is not to be imagined
who knows where it all goes
one thing flowing from another
while or as long as
and that comes wholly from the outside elsewhere
brief exaltation temporary unexplained
believe me
As if their very proximity meant something
quiet invasion of dusk
uncertain at first and then
and going over again all that has been done
for what reason or as a result of
layered silences
late yes now
to which place of the many there are
till we are only spaces cries of air
Stretches or reaches out maybe
I think of it as light quick in its movements
darting retrieving then pausing before
though often going back briefly just long enough
to confirm to make sure
No longer ours if it ever was
faint rustle of leaves in the death wind
this ready world
when if only things had been different
panned out another way
this day which will be like any other day
oh no
Close how close
offering what is now
How little we speak in the dark
almost as if we were afraid
or that it meant too much was too significant
or that someone was listening
as if we could be heard
And we make plans which are never used
never put into practice
but remain latent mere possibilities
as to what would happen if
In the long pauses that there now are
And does not go away just because it has been forgotten
dismissed for a while
monitoring or following following
what comes next or at last
and slightly earlier than was expected
Here not for the first time
if only because
stretches or reaches out maybe
why does it repeat this of all movements
absence or touch
which is no more than to say
This is a place reached
where or only or in what way