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Cover of "[Is that all there is to] LOVE


14.2 x 21 cm, 48 pages, pale blue card cover, black endpapers, sewn with red embroidery thread. 

€10 + €5 post and packing.

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ISBN 978 1 903090 61 9

(c) Rachel Warriner 2024.

Rachel Warriner is a poet and art historian based in the North East of England. Her publications include Have/Hold (Runamok), Fine Lament (Critical Documents), Eleven Days (Default) and Detritus (Default). She has also published on feminist art and poetry, including her book Pain and Politics in Postwar Feminist Art: Activism in the Work of Nancy Spero which was published by Bloomsbury in 2023.

[Is that all there is to] LOVE comprises Meconium, The Self-Sufficiency Handbook and And then one day he went away and I thought I'd die, but I didn't ...

Cover illustration: Walter Warriner Cummins.

Typesetting by Margaret Healy

See below for an extract.

from [Is that all there is to] LOVE





 “cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
for babies grow up we have learned to our sorrow
so quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep
i’m rocking my baby, cos babies don’t keep”


hope and terror
inadequate rick
and fall
so much in sleep
letting the
west wind
at minute attention
failure of focus

& abandoned ambition
our circle


fierce attention
instant through smell
or something
full sure
and authentic?

stone grey/blue
short scans
of connection
through fuzz

waves and fingernails
our blue ring of emotion


**a lot of feelings**


the waste of sleep
your eyes
and growls


your deepthought
your moments
your yellowing skin


no adequate response


half dark
and warm
waiting for visits


new ways
rip out
&change everything
drown in
your company


returning is tragic


my old fears
in drizzle

living for you
of course
what else?

hair scarf
& pinny aesthetic
make me barefoot
& wannabe wholesome


renounce it all
heart burst
in unexplained fluff







now quiet


















rushing to return
but with you


scratch back
at generations
guilty of scorn


sucking fingers
and shaking
squiggled in
desperate for craft
slow and reacting
snuffles and frowns
your costumes
future moments


bracketed from
‘the real world’
by the sound of
your breathing


the failure of



unquestionable comfort
hand to ear
eye flicks
and gasps


i can never leave you down


strain me
in gaps
thrill seeking
those eye lashes
that hair


blood cleaned
and cosy
moving away
fear of forgetting
& quiet


& after all that giving out i never want to be apart from you


all change
sauce and emotion
letting go
your sweet smell
improbable return
romancing our history
reframing to you
clamped and driven
now documenting


looking through
a 30yr lens
wanting to want this


floor dreams
i hold you
scratched stitches
this is never ending
a pattern stuck


now exhausted
& writing left handed
embraced & engorged
never wanting an end


our mutual warmth
our patchwork


sleep smiles
sound ripping
indeliberate punches
& whimper
finding features
to soft music
arching and sucking
linger on ...
dragged into cliché
a slim waist is bittersweet


veined eyelids
lip flakes
comforting rhythm when
stripes dominate
jump sudden
your beauty

jolt & shiver
o my your
those marks
indebted to hygiene
a never return